My name's Bond...
Lol, just kidding! Of course!
I've recently found out that tying bonds for me is really scary.
I feel it scary because I think I don't want to feel tied to anyone or anything.
It feels like I'm in prison or something similar to that.
But at the same time I have this feeling, I also feel like I have lost many opportunities in my life like settling down or go after a job that would fill all my day every day.

A job for example... I've always dreamt of a job that made me travel everywhere. Be here and there without a routine or time to be spent in each place.
How would I create bonds with someone having a busy life like that? And honestly I'd feel very comfortable being here and there all the time lol. More than being in just one place.
Hmmm.. in this case, I'd have created a bond with the job. And that.. well, I like that!
I don't "argue" with my fate anymore because I'm sure there's a meaning for everything that happens to us every single time. If I have to be where I am at the moment, I will accept that and think about ways to improve who I have become.
And try to pursue my deepest hidden dreams which I know they're still here in my soul.

Tying bonds is my struggle. I sometimes think if that will change... well.. let's wait and see hahahaha
Have you ever had this thought about yourself ... about your life?
"Is there any reason that make you feel scared of tying bonds?"
Honestly? I have no idea. I just don't imagine anything like that for myself.
Anyways, as I always say and write ... we always have a choice. If we make the wrong choice we can fix it later. And if it's not something possible to be fixed we look for other alternatives.
There's always a way! A second chance.
We cannot let it slip through our hands. As simple as that.
Melhor forma de ver a vida, grande bjo.
Doces paradoxos.
Tipicos de uma bela escorpiana.
Criar raizes deve ser ótimo...
Firmar compromissos deve ser terrível...
Não se contenta com menos que o maximo...
Ama a leveza...
Mas impõe responsabilidade a tudo...
Tudo é muito intenso...
Não quer sentir dor...
Mas pensa que tudo que é bom dói..
A mente escorpiana forma o mais lindo quebra-cabeças.
Pena que sempre sobra peças.
Mais um belo texto querida amiga,mas complexo e dificil.