Waking up in the morning
Watching the blue sky
Brings us joy as the soul spread happiness.

Blue sky is an inspiration for life,
Bringing us hope and the chance to reboot our feelings.
Feelings can be tricky but when we look up to the sky,
We get the fuel we need to go forward,
just expecting for our inner strength.
Deep emotions hidden
Can show up and be released,
especially the ones that do not belong to us anymore.
Blue sky is powerful!
And it teaches us how to keep going
because it's always there even when we can't see it!

Cloudy days make us think about who we are
and what we are eager for our lives.
And when we find out about our needs,
the blue sky comes and shows us the possibilities of making them come true.
We can have our own shiny and blue sky inside of our hearts!
And we are very capable to see it when we open our hearts.
Have a great blue sky every single day of your life,
even when the clouds try to cover it!
Amanheceu com a veia poética pulsando hein...
Fico feliz com isso,pois você nos contagia com seus textos.
Mas realmente o céu do outono é exuberante.
Temos a Simone cronista.
A Simone escritora.
A Simone ficcionista.
A Simone articulista.
E a Simone poetisa.
Todas escrevem muito bem.
Que os céus te tragam muita
alegria sempre.