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Writer: Simone KomatsuSimone Komatsu

Hi there!!!

How are things?

Life is brilliant, isn't it?

I mean, everyone has one of those days but we also have awesome days and moments!

Having that said I wonder sometimes why do we normally keep complaining and complainig and complaining!?

Why do we give more attention to things that don't make us happy?

And when something happy happens, we say "that was so cool!" - and that's it!!!

We don't keep saying how good that situation was! We just say once and it seems we forget about it in seconds!!!

And when it's something that's not pleasant, we just keep repeating it all over the place instead of letting it go!

We live the bad moment once, twice, three times and so on!

I must say that when I was younger I used to complain all the time!

When I look back at that time, I feel embarrassed of myself because there was nothing to complain about! Hahahha

Ridiculous, right? I know!

It was just a matter of managing my life in a better way, organizing work and finance!

I see people around me who have good jobs, a nice salary, a nice life but the best thing they do is COMPLAINING!

And I found that so booooooooring! And it's very ungreateful what they do! I mean, they have good health, energy, intelligence and even so, I hear just complainings! Aaaaaaaall the tiiiiiiime!!!

It's tiring! Extremely tiring!!!

That makes me think if it's the reason that they get depressed or just an impression of depression!

Everyone has goals in their lives. But I ask you now... is it possible to reach the goal if the only thing we do is complaining?

Once I asked someone why he/she complains that much. The answer was: I DON'T KNOW!

Unbelievable, isn't it?

Well.... I'm wrong.... it's not unbelievable. This thing really happens!

I'm saying that because I remember when I used to complain a lot! When I think about that time now, I have no idea why I complained that much! lol

I had my teenage issues! And that was all.

Then I became an adult and my main complain has been about money... and it still is my biggest complaint ahahahhaah And I have no idea if I'll be able to stop complaining about that this life! I hope so! LOL

If we focus on complaints, our goals get blurry and unrecognizable!

We get blind thinking about problems and we forget about what we wish, what we see and wat as a target!

Goals are important! The strength to reach the target is a lot more important! Our power to win against our pessimistic ideas is waaaay more important! And we can do it!

We have to think of how much we want what we see as target. How the heart beats when we think about that target. How our body reacts when we imagine that we got what we were willing for.

Oh!! But we must remember that there's a path to follow! And we cannot skip steps, otherwise the target may be broken when we reach it.

Everything is a process!

But the process will certainly break if we give more attention to the complaints instead of our goals.

And that will make our targets go further away...

Take care!


2 comentarios

andre macedo
andre macedo
02 nov 2024

Pessimismo excessivo.

Descontentamento constante.

Dedo acusatório.


Notou algum excesso desses em alguém próximo, saia de perto e evite o contato.

Emanam energia radiotiva e contaminam quem está perto.

Que busquem tratamento.

E nos deixe em paz.


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Simone Komatsu
Simone Komatsu
05 nov 2024
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