Hi there!!!
How are things?
I don't know if I have already told you about who I am and what my job is.
Well, here I go 🤭. Let me introduce myself properly.

My name's Simone and I'm from Brazil.
I have a major in Nutrition which I wasn't that keen on it but now, I can't imagine myself doing another thing.
Well, I used to teach English before. I still do, but just for few people and not full time as it used to be!

Being a nutritionist (a dietitian in some countries) is challenging but, it's very rewarding.
It is challenging because when it's about food, people get really defensive! Everyone thinks that nutritionists will say to stop eating the food they like most!
Or, we will demand them to eat only vegetables and forbid them to eat burgers or pizza or ice cream or something that they like and it reminds them of their childhood!
I'd say that as a nutritionist, it's very important to listen to the patients carefully and attentively to understand their preferences and their life style. Pay attention to the body language is also important! Sometimes I notice that the patient is not comfortable and they just want a quick direction to feel better and improve their health (and leave the consultation as quick as they can!). In this case, I try to be fast and say the most important steps to make the person feels better. Sometimes they come back, sometimes they don't.
Depending on the stage of the awareness about their health issue, it is really difficult to make them understand that some changes are necessary to be made to improve their health itself and also their mental health, to become conscious about their new eating habits and a big change in their life style.
I understand that any change is difficult, but it's not impossible.
It's about choices. What we choose for our lives matters and it influences the direction we take.

I was once overweight. It's been a long time! I don't remember if I've already told you that. But, well, 25 years ago I weighed around 35 kg more than I weigh today. My weight bounces between 45 kg to 48 kg, nowadays.
I had some emotional issues that I couldn't handle that time by myself. After coming back to Brazil, I looked for therapy and then I decided to lose weight and change my eating habits. Thankfully, it worked out!
I made a choice of being healthier 25 years ago. And it's been successful so far! You can see in my photo bellow. The resolution of the old pic is very bad! Sorry about that!

I started caring for myself! And I'm glad I feel happier and, especially, healthier!
Can you feel you are important for yourself? Do you feel it? Do you care?
How much do you care for your health? How much do you care for you?
Take care!
PS: If you are interested for a nutritional consultation with me, I do it online! I am also a Nutritional Counselor! Do not hesitate to contact me! My IG profile is @simone_komatsu_nutri