Moments are fast,
They come in a blast
If you don't think you're the best,
What may come next?

Moments are like butterflies,
Sometimes colourful or black and white.
But remember you were a coccon
Before learning to fly.
Moments can be happy or sad
Everyone once said:
"Smile and you'll get that"
Just make sure your smile is worth for that!
Moments are like lightning,
Followed by the imponent thunder
Which can be out loud or silent,
Like the fast or slow beats of our heart.

Moments, moments...
If no longer noticed,
Disappointments may come.
Anxiety willl ruin
The best person you may become!
Live your best!
Fight for a good life!
A life you feel proud of everytime you see yourself in the mirror!
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Oowwnn amei💕
Que lindo..simone poetisa...simone cronista...simone articulista...simone bruxa...simone nutricionista...e muiiiiito mais.
Só acho que deve se perceber mais.
Você é muito talentosa.