Hi!! How's your day going?
Every now and then I think about what makes us grow, what makes us stronger or sometimes makes us feel weaker but only you or me know what the meaning of those things are for us.

People usually look at us and see just what's on the surface because we don't normally show the scars we carry on the inside of us.
We make things happen, we work hard and sometimes we feel sick and tired of everything but in the end we realize that it was all worth it!
Was it worth it to whom?
To each one of us! Because only we know the effortand the struggle we faced to make those things happen for our own growth.
Only we know the scars we carry from our childhood or even when we reach our maturity.
Nowadays I don't see my scars as something bad that makes me feel a victim of bad luck in life. I see them as a step to make me become stronger with great power to reach my goals with courage and strength.
A strength that I wouldn't be able to have if it wasn't from my struggles in life.
And THAT makes us strong human beings.
That being said... Don't let anyone.. ANYONE says you are less than others! Only each one of us know what the paths in our lives meant for us.

The paths that taught us to choose the best ways for us....
Sometimes we choose the wrong one and that one caused the scars we carry but without that we wouldn't learn how to fight for better ways or ideas and creativity.
Inner fights are the most difficut fighs to face because they are ours and we are the ones who have the key to open a nee door and cure that pain.
We can find help from the outside but not the solution. They come as ideas, insights, thoughts and especially feeling and sometimes not from a person.
I believe in energy from the Universe! I believe in people's energy which can be either good or bad.
But only we know if they will help us to close or open our scars.
Don't give up if your scar was enlargered but fight for closing it the best way you can!
Do not feel guilty for anything that it's not in your hands. You did what you could have done especially if it's someone's scars or pains.
Each one of us is resposible for our own life!
Lack of money? Do not blame others for it! Fight! Change! Look for other ways! There's always a solution!
Lack of love? Have you suffered too much pain in other relationships? Don't give up if love is what you've been looking for!
Lack of energy or feeling fat or too skinny? Check your emotional issues and also your food intake. How's your nutrition day by day? Are you eating only because you are anxious and angry? Or aren't you eating because you're too sad and feeling you're not worth it?
These are some situations that we get hurt and get some inner scars as "gifts".
And only you can decide to close it or keep it open and painful.
As the song by Alessia Cara says: Scars to your beautiful....
"But there's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark
You should know you're beautiful just the way you are
And you don't have to change a thing
The world could change its heart
No scars to your beautiful
We're stars and we're beautiful"
Look inside of you. Your outside will show what your beautiful soul has given you since you were born.