Heeey there!!
Hope you are well! Everything is cool here!
Have you ever wondered that we have many bridges in our lives?

I mean, every time we think of a new target or a new achievement, we face some steps that cannot be put aside or just ignored.
It's a process we have to deal with to reach what we want, what we wish for. Because if we skip a step, we can spend longer time to reach what we want.
Or when we reach it, it may not be exaclty the way we wanted to because of that tiny step we skipped (oh Damn!). Has it ever happened to you?
The bridges are different for everyone. It can be shorter for you and long for me or vice-versa. And that's more than Ok!

My bridge could have the length of the Tower Bridge or The Golden Gate Bridge. That will depend on what my target is and the difficulties I encounter in the middle of my path.
Sometimes we create the difficulties for some unexplained reasons.
In my concepction, fear and insecurity are the cruelest vilains in our lives. It's important to feel fear sometimes but we block ourselves imagining failure before we go for what we want.
Especially when it's related to relationships. Say to someone that we like them is tough work! lol
When it's about a new job, we can feel insecure and nervous because of the interviews but we can concentrate on the target and kick the ball straight to the goal. And then we get it!
Another big thing is moving to another country. I believe that this is something I'd be glad for haahahahh I guess I wouldn't think twice before deciding to go. I can go wherever I have a good job and can live well. But I know people who declined a good position just because it was in another country or another city.
When that happens, I always think that this kind of thing could be somewhere in the middle of my bridge! I'd fight for it easily! But as it isn't, here I am lol
Do you have any target(s) to be reached? If so, how is it?
Does fear follow you everywhere and paralyses you?
Does insecurity makes it difficult to go forward?
How about self-confidence? What's you relation with your self-confidence?

So many questions to think about... and I've just realized that even our bridge is short as the Tower Bridge, because of our personal issues, it can become longer as The Golden Gate.
How would you like your bridge to be? They're both beautiful and charming but how do you see them? What and how do they look like to you?
I wish you have a great day and that you look back at your bridge in the future and be sure that everything was worth it!
Olá querida amiga,tome reflexão...
Será que temos certeza do que queremos?
Ter uma boa luta é importante,mas será que de fato queremos essa luta?
Tudo acaba tendo seu preço,o emprego no pais dos sonhos representa deixar muitos afetos a milhas e milhas de distância.
Até que ponto vai o seu querer?
As vezes a ponte da gente é do tamanho de uma pinguela e a enxergamos enorme.
O contrário também ocorre.
A necessidade empurra.
A vontade impulsiona.
O medo exacerbado paralisa.
O que temos?
Vontade ou necessidade?
É muita decisão para pouca ponte
Ah linda menina das palavras reflexivas,isso vai longe...
Só sei que não sei ...